It is here. After 1.5 years. Java 1.6 on Mac. But... it is only for the Leopard and only for 64-bit Intel machines.
PPC, 32-bit Intel and Tiger folks are currently still out of the board.
There are two interesting facts regarding this Apple's release.
PPC, 32-bit Intel and Tiger folks are currently still out of the board.
There are two interesting facts regarding this Apple's release.
- It was not announced on Apple Developer Connection Java topics RSS. In fact that feed is useless. I'm still receiving here a bunches of 3 identical notifications about release notes for Java on Mac 10.5. The date when this document was published is 2007-10-31. Yeah, after 6 month Apple still reminds me (and the other subscribers of that feed) about such "news".
- Almost month passed since Java 1.6 on Mac release. And there is complete silence about this event on the Desktop community on This is rather strange - there was a lot of complains about long absence of this release (e.g. here and here).